If you have root access to your device then you can mount your container. You can work with files on mounted container like if they were on the sd card. No temporary files are required. You can use any file manager, gallery program or media player to acces your files inside the container.
You can mount a container with FAT, NTFS, EXT4, EXT3, EXT2 file system if the file system is supported by the kernel.
The default mount point for a container is /mnt/eds/[name of the container] (or /data/data/com.sovworks.eds.android/files/mnt/[name of the container]). You can change the mount base path from the settings screen. You can specify the custom mount point for each container from the container settings screen. You have to specify an existing directory.
It is possible to open an external file manager when a container is mounted. You can choose the external file manager in the settings screen.
Starting in Android 4.2, devices can support multiple users. The default platform implementation of this feature leverages Linux kernel namespaces to create isolated mount tables for each Zygote-forked process. So if you mount a container from an application then it will be visible only to that application. You can workaround this behavior by enabling "mount namespace workaround" option in the settings screen.
In order to automatically setup file systems mounting, press the "Enable file systems mounting" button in the settings screen.